Travel insurance / Medical insurance / Cruise insurance

This site has been tested on Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 and above, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari.

The majority of the site may well operate correctly with earlier or non-listed browsers, but we do not guarantee this.

JavaScript is used throughout the site, and you must have this feature enabled in your browser. If you have checked your browser version and made sure that JavaScript is enabled, try some other sites to see if you are experiencing similar problems.

If you are then your browser software installation may be faulty or incorrect or you may be experiencing difficulties with your internet service provider.

If you are qualified to do so you could try re-installing your browser or updating it.

If you have another browser installed on your machine, try using that instead. If you are able to view other sites without any difficulty, then it may be that our servers are very busy. If you can, please try again later.

Otherwise, you can contact us and report the problem. When doing so please ensure you provide the following details:

Your browser name and version
Your browser name and version
Time and Date that fault occurred
Time and Date that fault occurred
The URL of the page you are trying to view
The URL of the page you are trying to view
The method you are using to connect to the internet ie. modem, adsl, cable etc
The method you are using to connect to the internet ie. modem, adsl, cable etc
Any error messages generated by the page or our server
Any error messages generated by the page or our server
Your IP address, if you know it
Your IP address, if you know it
If possible, a trace route from your machine to our domain
If possible, a trace route from your machine to our domain